Who Am I?
My name is Joe Flaherty, and I'm a certified Henselmans Personal Trainer. I started my fitness journey like many others did; I was tired of being "the fat kid." In high school, I had seen enough crazy-jacked bodybuilders on the cover of FLEX Magazine to finally pick one up & read it. I'm grateful for that magazine, because after I found whatever rediculous workout was wedged in between the pages of marketing for supplement companies, it got me off my ass and into a gym to give it a try. But there's obviously another side to that coin: the contexts didn't match. Here was my logic: "if I train like the guy I see on the magazine, I'll become the guy on the magazine! Duh!" The reality: the optimal approach for me, the 120 lb 14-year-old who had never touched a weight, was drastically different from the approach used by the 30-something year old IFBB Bodybuilder in the magazine, who was clearly taking his "vitamins." |
Put simply, I was spinning my wheels. After years of doing that, and a pretty catastrophic back injury that resulted in multiple procedures & surgery, I finally said enough is enough. I was wasting my time (in the gym), my money (on gimmicky supplements promising a quick fix), and my health (by ego-lifting until multiple discs ruptured in my lumbar spine).
One day, I simply asked myself if this approach was making me happy. The true answer was "no." Ever since then, I made it my personal mission to turn that into a "yes."
After experimenting with more supplements, diet fads (Carb Backloading, anybody?) & training programs than I care to count, I stumbled upon Menno Henselmans and his Bayesian Bodybuilding theory. He preaches a rational approach to bodybuilding, which was so refreshing & different from the "bro" style of wisdom that permiates the fitness industry.
Through him, I learned that real progress can only be made when you acknowledge your unique context. Time for a quick survey: how many youth basketball players do you know that have the same training routine as LeBron James? I'll wait...
The bottom line is context matters.
Your genetics, your age, your gender, your body composition, your muscle fiber type, and on, and on, and on... all DRASTICALLY impact how your body will react to a given nutrition and training protocol.
This is the part I am most passionate about, because when we find out what variables work for you, we can basically put your progress on auto-pilot if you stay consistent enough. Every decision carries over to the next, and each tiny action adds up over time, just like an investment. Before you know it, if you play your cards right, you can end up a millionare.
When you know what to do, success is only a matter of time. That boils down to three things: knowledge, accountability & consistency. When you start putting all three into action, it's amazing what you can achieve.
If this approach interests you, please explore my Coaching Options.
More information about the Henselmans PT Course can be found here, Menno Henselmans' website can be found here, and you can connect with him via Facebook here.